© Noel Harrower 2018
Noel harrower
Venues Dates 1. St. Andrew’s with Castlegate United Reformed Church 2. The Hebrew Congregation 3. The Progressive Synagogue 4. Bobber’s Mill Community Centre. 5. The Green Partnership 6. Notts. County Council Youth Environment Day 7. Christian Environment Network Conference at Coventry Sat. Oct. 9 th . AHINEE’S ART WORK I suggest that the three canvasses travel with the Exhibition whilst it is touring, but that afterwards it is returned to Ahinee for her own use, on the understanding that it will be made freely available for use by the participating parties, Nottingham Interfaith and by the Christian Environment Network, if required. Ahinee retains the copyright but will not charge for photographs of her work if it is part of the Operation Noah Project.
Website by Rob Masding